Project Safe Place
We’ll help you get to Huck House.
We’ll help you get to Huck House safely.
Safe Place Partners are ready to help.
If you are unable to get to Huckleberry House on your own, we have a plan to get you here safely. Huck House partners with 136 Safe Place locations throughout the Columbus area, including Columbus fire stations and surrounding township fire stations, Columbus Metropolitan Library locations, Worthington Libraries, Westland Area Library, Bexley Public Library, Donatos Restaurants, Kaleidoscope Youth Center, and White Castle restaurants. If you can get to one of our Safe Place partners, we can arrange for you to get to our Crisis Shelter.
Here’s what you can expect from Project Safe Place:

Look for this Safe Place sign
Tell any employee that you need Safe Place help
The employee will contact Huck House
We’ll make arrangements for you to get to our shelter safely
Need help finding a Safe Place?

1. If you don’t know where the closest Safe Place site is, you can Txt 4 Help.
2. Send a text to 4HELP (44357) with the word SAFE and your current location (street address, city, state).
3. You’ll get a text back within seconds telling you the closest Safe Place location.
4. You can also call The National Safe Place hotline at 1-888-290-7233.
Need to talk with someone right now?

Call our 24/7 Crisis Hotline at (614) 294-5553 anytime, day or night.